ITN 26 | Trey and Conor from the Summit Shack/American Spirits (Bowling Green, OH)

Had a Taco Bell-fueled chat sesh with Trey and Conor from American Spirits (RIP) and the Summit Shack. Ellie from L.E.A.D. DIY was also hanging out providing color commentary from time to time. The fellas gave the scoop on why American Spirits are going bye-bye, what’s in store for the future musically, the origins of the Summit Shack, and a whole heck of a lot more about the ins and outs of running the Shack. You won’t want to miss this episode, and you won’t want to miss Fallchella aka DIY Prom at the end of September at Howard’s in Bowling Green. Thanks for listening, everybody! Please FOLLOW on Spotify and RATE/REVIEW/SUBSCRIBE on iTunes, Google Play, etc. Air date: 8/29/2019.