Category Archives: Uncategorized

ITN 122 | Common Nonsense (Grand Rapids, MI)

2/3 of Common Nonsense made the trip from Grand Rapids to chat with Bryan in his bedroom about their band, their recording process, general life shit, and ya know, other stuff! Stick around to the end to hear an acoustic performance as well. Enjoy and please share! Air date: 6/29/2021.

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The Pleasant Underground DIY Venue

ITN 77 | Andrea Doria pt. 2 (Ann Arbor, MI)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! Andrea Doria return for a Discord episode where we have a silly goose time and chat about a ton of nonsense and a ton of non-nonsense. I love chatting with these dudes and strongly encourage you to check out their music. Hope you guys enjoy! Air date: 6/18/2020.

ITN 76 | Call The Wolf (Toronto, ON, CAN)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! Apologies for the audio issues making my voice super crackly at points in the episode! Discord for ya. Call The Wolf is an awesome up and coming rock band from Toronto who came on and chatted with us about homemade maple syrup, being in a band from Canada trying to make a name for themselves in the states, their new record which came out this year, and much more! Check it out and thanks for listening! Air date: 6/17/2020.