Category Archives: D.C.

ITN 50 | Origami Angel/Equipment/Cheem/Parkway & Columbia/Loonbase Studios et al. from the Summit Shack (Bowling Green, OH)

Holy cow! 50 episodes! Thank you all SO MUCH for making this little passion project of mine relevant. I recorded this episode on-site at the Summit Shack during Equipment’s EP release show, which also featured Origami Angel, Cheem, Parkway & Columbia, and my band In A Daydream. I played the first set with my band and then set up a podcast corner in the Shack’s living room, where I got a chance to chat with members of all the bands listed above and more. I could not be more grateful to the Summit Shack crew for letting me both play the show and record this special episode of the podcast. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it! Air date: 1/31/2020.