Category Archives: Indiana

ITN 106 | City Sun (South Bend, IN)

Bryan chatted with Devin from City Sun from the South Bend/Mishawaka, IN area. We talked about being in different bands where your roles are different for each, different recording techniques, our own unique processes for lyric writing, and a lot more. Check out City Sun’s music wherever you stream and thanks for listening! Air date: 3/1/2021.

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ITN 57 | Arcadia Grey (Indianapolis, IN)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! This episode is like Arcadia Grey’s live show: short, energetic, all over the place, and noisy (in the best way possible). We recorded this in Pat Ray’s basement before both of our bands played there that night, and we talked about as much as we could fit into the half hour we had before we had to set up for the show. Check out their music if you’re into loud, cathartic emo punk and definitely look for them to play live in your area because they tour a lot. Thanks for listening! Air date: 3/9/2020.

ITN 7 | Summerbruise (Indianapolis, IN)

Chilled with Mike and Stan from Summerbruise and talked about musical influences, girlfriends/band managers, being scatterbrained, Mike’s unique live set up, and much more. Mike was brave enough to share a rather unfortunate tale of woe from the road that you won’t want to miss, and then the band graced my bedroom with yet another great acoustic performance. Thanks for listening and be sure to rate/review/subscribe! Air date: 6/3/2019.