Category Archives: United States

ITN 41 | Hexing (Grand Rapids, MI)

Chilled with 3/5 of Hexing from Grand Rapids! Their new record “In Tandem,” recorded with Nick Diener at Oneder Studios, is streaming everywhere now! If you like bands like The Wonder Years or The Starting Line, then you will love Hexing. Check out their record release show this Saturday 12/21 at the Pyramid Scheme Grand Rapids with Greet Death, Okay Cool, and Antighost. Thanks for listening! Air date: 12/17/19.

ITN 40 | Jeremy Rolph from Painted Friends (Taylor, MI)

Jeremy and I live together now, and one night after I was at one of his Painted Friends shows, we got back and were just sitting around unwinding and talking about music in the living room. So I thought, hey, let’s fire up the microphones for shits and gigs! This is a real chill episode recorded around midnight and at no point do we discuss Painted Friends’ drummer, He Who Mitch Not Be Named. Enjoy everyone and thanks for listening! Air date: 12/16/2019.

ITN 39 | Glasspiece / Brevity (Detroit, MI)

Hung out with the two solo artists known as Glasspiece and Brevity! I recorded this episode like 3 weeks ago, but I’ve been lazy and dealing with a lot of shit! But anyway, they both performed a song each in the beginning of the episode, which I thoroughly enjoyed and I hope you will too. We also had a great conversation about keeping a positive attitude when you aren’t where you want to be yet, and how to be happy for your friends when they achieve success without letting jealousy ruin it for you. Thanks for listening everybody! Air date: 12/13/2019.

ITN 38 | Man & Moon (Jackson, MI)

Hung out with Man & Moon who just released a concept EP called Perthes. We talked about that in depth, and also discussed the merits of wearing star wars emperor robes to class, cults, and even had a power outage right after I said “Charles Manson” out loud so my house is haunted obviously. But yeah check out their EP and enjoy the episode! Air date: 11/26/2019.

ITN 37 | Jacob Hanlon from Dogleg/Parkway & Columbia (White Lake, MI)

Hey! For this episode, I hung out with Jacob, the fourth leg of Triple Crown Records’ new favorite dog. The Dogleg/ITN mega transformer is now complete. Jacob and I had never met (as is often the case for me on this podcast), but we hit it off and talked about everything from the way different families view drugs and music to UFOs and Joe Rogan to Tyler Floyd’s impressive Fender amp collection to getting the fuck out of Memphis, TN. Thanks for listening everyone! Air date: 11/21/2019.

ITN 36 | Now With Real Humans (Detroit, MI)

Sat down with Detroit-based eclectic psych rock sorta band with a saxophone, Now With Real Humans. Stick around until the end to hear a song of theirs as well. We talked about all kinds of stuff, so honestly you should just listen. These guys are a great time and their music is unique and exploratory in the best possible way. If you’re a new listener, welcome and thanks! And for the OG ITN fans- you know what it is. It’s all love baby. Enjoy! Air date: 11/19/2019.

ITN 35 | Parker Grissom of Dogleg/Shortly (Detroit, MI)

This episode is basically an audio recording of me meeting Parker for the first time. We had a good time and talked for a quite a while on topics like from playing with Shortly, Dogleg’s new record “Melee” coming out on Triple Crown Records in 2020, when laughing sounds rehearsed, cat piss, comedy, and much more. Guess you’ll just have to listen to find out. Thanks for listening and hopefully you guys will enjoy this one as much as we did making it. Air date: 11/13/2019.

ITN 34 | Taylor Grimes, Creator of Music Blog Swim into the Sound (Hazel Park, MI/Portland, OR)

Sorry for the week with no episode! I was moving into a new house. But now I’m back with a gnarly new bedroom studio and my first full episode was with Taylor, creator of music/lifestyle blog, Swim into the Sound! Listen to hear about Taylor’s unique stance on music writing/reviewing. You’ll also hear me informally announce some cool news about a special podcast event coming up in December. Enjoy and thanks for listening! Air date: 10/21/2019.

ITN 33 | Saving Throw (Macomb, MI)

Had a conversation with the new homies in Macomb progressive math rock group Saving Throw. I met them when I was helping to run a show for Outta This World Booking in Detroit and LOVED their style. I was pleased to discover that they’re as good a hang as they are a band. Check out their music! And share the podcast! Cool news coming up soon. Thanks for listening! Air date: 10/7/2019.

ITN 32 | Tyler Floyd from Parkway & Columbia/Secret Grief/Summit House Studios (Brighton, MI)

Had a nice long conversation with TyLeR fLoYd, the brain daddy frontman of Parkway & Columbia, fanboy/guitarist in Secret Grief, and master producer wizard at his very own Summit House Studios aka his basement/drum foyer. Don’t let my jokes fool you- Tyler is one of the most talented people I know and I have a lot of respect for his work. P&C’s album “Wanderer” came out earlier this year and I strongly suggest you head over to bandcamp or Spotify to take a listen. I hope you guys enjoy the episode and as always, please rate/review/subscribe/share the podcast! Air date: 9/30/2019.