Category Archives: United States

ITN 21 | Car Crash Rhetoric (Lansing, MI)

Sat down with two-thirds of Lansing area emo punk band, Car Crash Rhetoric, who are fresh off their first time playing Excellency Music Fest in Bay City. We talked about that show, their origins as a band, and their new EP “Dumb Luck” which comes out this Friday, 8/16/19. Stick around to the end of the episode to hear “52 Pickup.” Follow their social media and check out their music on Spotify and Bandcamp. Thanks for listening! Air date: 8/12/2019.

ITN 20 | Antighost (Detroit, MI)

Episode 20!? What is that, like, a milestone or something? FYI, Antighost and I are basically BFFs now. There is not a nicer group of guys playing meaner music than these three, I will lay my hard earned money on that. Trust me when I say this won’t be the last you hear from Antighost on this podcast. We talked about all the things, including the fact that Past Life from Philly is a band of sweethearts. Stream Antighost’s EP “Animal Panic” and go see them live! Air date: 8/8/2019.

ITN 19 | Micah Cotner of Dragon’s Den [House Venue]/Solemn Judgment/Complainer./METH GATOR (Ypsilanti, MI)

Episode 19 features myself having a hearty chat with Micah Cotner, who runs the Dragon’s Den house venue, sang in Complainer., played drums in Seaholm (back when they were good teehee winkwink), and now plays drums in Solemn Judgment. This episode is one of those smart ones where we chat about real life stuff and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. There is plenty of tomfoolery mixed in as well. I also would just like to say two words: Meth Gator. Thanks for listening! Air date: 8/5/2019.

ITN 18 | Great Expectations (Ann Arbor, MI)

Sat down with the members of Great Expectations and talked about their new album, “Figures of Speech” which drops this week, so check it out! We also talked about touring, tolerating Pat Ray on the road somehow, balancing fun and emotional honesty while performing, and a bunch of other stuff that I can’t remember right now. Stick around to the end of the episode to hear the band do an acoustic performance of their song “Sore Throat.” Thanks for listening, peeps. Air date: 8/1/2019

ITN 17 | Fallow Land’s “Slow Down, Rockstar” Release Show (Ann Arbor, MI)

Recorded on site at the Blind Pig! If you make it all the way through this one, you’re a real fan and a true friend of the podcast. There’s so much going on in this episode! I didn’t bother editing because I think it would be better to capture the chaos of podcasting at a packed live show. I had too many guests on to count, and ironically, barely any Fallow Land members. But the show was fun! I enjoyed the live performances from Ness Lake, Parkway & Columbia, Secret Grief, and Fallow Land of course. They all killed it. Thanks to everyone who came out and jumped on the guest mic with me! And a special thanks to Nick Caldwell for not saying anything on air that would cause me to lose half my audience immediately. Hope you guys enjoy! Air date: 7/29/2019.

ITN 16 | Pat Ray of Seaholm/Koopa Kid/Outta This World Booking/Domino’s Pizza (Ann Arbor, MI)

WARNING: this episode contains toxic levels of tomfoolery and should not be consumed by children or the elderly. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, consult with your doctor before listening to this episode. Pat Ray is a silly goose, a walking meme, and a shockingly dedicated member of the DIY music community. We talked about his bands, his booking group, and their origin stories. We also talked a little bit about touring shits and driverless pizza delivery vehicles. Please enjoy responsibly. Air date: 7/22/2019.

ITN 15 | No Fun Club (Ann Arbor, MI)

Three quarters of No Fun Club came and sat in my room and talked to me about all kinds of stuff, none of which was fun. Colin got sassy, Pat got nasty, and I discovered that Jay Cob is actually Jake Cob in real life. Are any of these people who they say they are? Seems questionable. Anyway, we eventually got to discussing their music and what inspired it, as well as their plans for the future, if I remember correctly. This was a fun one to record, so I hope you all have fun listening. Air date: 7/15/2019.

ITN 13 | Dogleg (Ann Arbor, MI)

Talked with Chase and Alex from Dogleg about recording their first two EPs, playing Super Smash Bros Melee at their merch table and how Chase is one of the top ranked players of a game that came out in the early 2000s and has never lost. We also talked about getting nervous before gigs and what goes into their high energy live shows. This was a fun conversation and if you stick around to the end, you can hear their song Star 67, which is a fuckin bonafide JAM off their most recent EP, Remember Alderaan. Thanks for listening as always, and please rate/review subscribe to the show! Air date: 7/1/2019.

ITN 12 | Ship & Sail’s “Hymnal EP” Deep Dive (Ann Arbor, MI)

Hung out with Colin from Ship & Sail (AGAIN UGH) to do a special deep dive into his new EP, Hymnal. We go track by track and discuss what each song means to Colin, as well as the theme of the EP as a whole including artwork, lyrics, etc. Hymnal is streaming now so check out Ship & Sail’s pages for links, and I’m sure it’s on Spotify. Thanks for listening! Air date: 6/28/2019.

ITN 11 | Swordfest Presented by the Summit Shack (Bowling Green, OH)

I was on site recording from Swordfest, an event put together by Connor and Trey of the band American Spirits who run the DIY venue the Summit Shack from their home in Bowling Green, OH. Swordfest was held at Howard’s Club H in Bowling Green and featured Pool Kids (FL), Mover Shaker (MI), Dogleg (MI), American Spirits (OH), Antighost (MI), Silver Age (MI), Jail Socks (NC), Vermont (OH), Equipment (OH). I also talked with L.E.A.D. DIY, a non-profit focused on safe lighting at shows for epilepsy awareness, the organizer of Capo Fest in IL, and Marky Mark Bosch himself from Church Street Booking and Stop Watch. THIS WAS A FUN ONE TO DO. Thanks to everyone who has been listening! Please follow/subscribe to the podcast on whatever streaming platform you use and tell your friends! Air date: 6/27/2019.