Category Archives: United States

ITN 83 | It Doesn’t Bother Me (Metro Detroit, MI)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! This episode features It Does Not Bother Me, a gnarly new band whose debut EP is out NOW on one of Michigan’s best up-and-coming DIY labels, Good Luck Charm Records. This was another Discord episode and Bry talked with the band about the process of making the record with ITN friend and alum Tyler Floyd, and the struggles of promoting your work as a new band. Hope you all enjoy! Air date: 8/17/2020.

ITN 82 | Dogsneeze (Lansing, MI)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! This episode is with Dogsneeze who Bryan chatted with over Discord! We rebranded the podcast about 11 times and talked about music here and there as well. Clearly we were in the middle of a quarantine and there wasn’t much going on 🙂 Hopefully you guys enjoy the episode and give Dogsneeze a follow! Air date: 8/3/2020.

ITN 81 | Becky Kovach, Senior Publicist at Big Picture Media (New York, NY)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! Becky Kovach is a senior publicist at Big Picture Media in NYC, who was worked with bands like The Early November, Bayside, ITN alumni House & Home, to name only a few. We talked about the ins and outs of what publicists do for bands, how Becky got into the business, as well as a lot of other random music stuff (imagine that). Check out Big Picture Media at Enjoy and thanks for listening! Air date: 7/27/2020.

ITN 80 | Colibri and the Hummingbirds/The Never Ending Hum Podcast (Chicago, IL)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! On episode 80 (wow!) Benny and I chatted with Bri who is the host of the new emo podcast The Never Ending Hum, and is also the songwriter for their solo project, Colibri and the Hummingbirds. This episode can be aptly described as “jam-packed” and “rapid-fiery” and “interesting” so do yourselves a favor and enjoy it! Thanks for listening. Air date: 7/20/2020.

ITN 79 | Ty from Skitchin’ Fest/Zine (Grand Rapids, MI)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! On this episode, Benny and I chatted over Discord with Ty of Skitchin’ Fest/Zine/Tweets zine, who does a lot of great stuff in DIY, including a fest, regularly publishing a zine, as well as advocacy work for the disabled population within DIY. It was a great conversation and a unique one in context of the ITN catalog, so do yourself a favor and check it out! Follow Ty on Twitter @skitchintweets. Hope you all enjoy, thanks for listening! Air date: 7/13/2020.

ITN 78 | Greet Death (Flint, MI)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! Benny and I chatted over Discord with two-thirds of Deathwish Records’ Greet Death! The band recorded their newest full-length “New Hell” with Nick Diener at Oneder Studios in Chesaning, MI, and it’s a banger. Check out their music wherever you stream and let us know how you enjoyed the episode on Twitter and Instagram! Thanks for listening. Air date: 7/6/2020.

ITN 75 | Chase from Dogleg (Detroit, MI)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! Chatted with Chase about making the Clerks-inspired video for “Wartortle” off their new record Melee, out on Triple Crown Records. We talked about some tour hijinks, the band’s reaction to all the press they’ve been getting, and a lot of other stuff in a spicy hour with Dogleg’s bass leg. Thanks for listening! Air date: 6/1/2020.

ITN 74 | Two-Point Conversion (Miami, FL)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! Virtually hung out over Discord with Miami, Florida’s Two-Point Conversion. We talked about the nature of the DIY scene and beyond in Florida, their experiences playing shows and touring, how they’ve been staying sane during the quarantine, along with some bitty humor sprinkled in here and there. We hope you enjoy the episode and hope you guys are all staying safe and smart out there! Air date: 5/25/2020.

ITN 73 | 310 AM (Ypsilanti, MI)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! Chatted with Nate Erickson (formerly of After Hours Radio and DIY venue The Late Station) about his new solo project, 310 AM, who just dropped a spicy new single called “Real to Reel.” I liked it so much that I put it in this episode twice. Sorry for the audio issues at the end, Discord kinda fucked us on this one. DIY! Air date: 5/18/2020.

ITN 72 | Austin Stawowczyk from Shortly, Great Expectations, Seaholm, Producer @ Eureka Records (Wyandotte, MI)

Support the podcast and help keep it online by becoming a member of our Patreon! Every little donation helps and I really appreciate anything you can pledge! This was the first episode I recorded with Benny as a co-host (though it is the second one released because reasons) and it was great! We both enjoyed a nice Discord hang with Austin Stawowczyk, a staple in the SE Michigan music scene. Austin talked about his growth as a music producer, his current musical projects, and Benny and I hopped in to compare our own experiences working on our own records at Austin’s studio, Eureka Records. Hope you guys enjoy the episode! Air date: 5/11/2020.