ITN 48 | Nick Brink from Sadgasm/DIY Merch-Making Extraordinaire (Salem, OR)

I recorded a podcast with someone over Discord for the first time! And that person was Nick Brink from Salem, Oregon, who is in the band Sadgasm and also makes DIY band merch to-order. Nick first heard about the podcast from when I co-released an episode with r/Emo’s “The ‘E’ Word” Podcast, and has listened to EVERY EPISODE WHAT!?!?! That is so cool to me, and I am so appreciative. And I’m excited because I figured out how to record remote episodes so this opens up the door to other guests who may not be able to be here in person. Hope you enjoy! Air date: 1/23/2020.

ITN 47 | Spencer Haithcock from Tequila Deer/Ship & Sail/In A Daydream (Ypsilanti, MI)

Well, Spencer and I were hanging out on my porch after our first rehearsal together for In A Daydream, and we were talking about music and the local scene quite a bit so I figured hey, why not fire up the mics since this is the type of shit I talk about on the podcast anyway. Spencer has no shortage of tour stories and I really enjoy hearing his insight overall. Hope you all enjoy out in Listenerville. Thanks for listening! Air date: 1/22/2020.

ITN 46 | Andrea Doria (Ann Arbor/Metro Detroit, MI)

Hung out with one of my absolute favorite local bands, Andrea Doria. We have a kind of unique relationship characterized by almost constant bits and taking satirical jabs at each other, all balanced out by a genuine mutual respect for one another as musicians and as people. These guys go way back, and this episode is one of the more authentic feeling snapshots of a band made up of friends who aren’t afraid to tell each other how they feel, in a good way. I enjoy how much fun they have on stage, and I strongly recommend you go check out one of their upcoming shows! Thanks for listening, y’all. Air date: 1/14/2020.

ITN 45 | Parking Lots (Grand Rapids, MI)

For this episode, I was joined by the Grand Rapids trio Parking Lots and their attorney (in the most Hunter S. Thompson sense of the word). Their album “Say Hello to the Elevator People” came out last year and has been getting a lot of plays on Spotify, and for good reason. I would describe their music as artsy surf rock, like Beach Boys with a Talking Heads aesthetic. Their lyrics show a wisdom beyond their years and a flair for the avant-garde. They are also pretty silly and performed a 6-minute song about monkeys on the podcast, so clearly they have a sense of humor. Check out their music and I hope you enjoy the episode! Air date: 1/12/2020.

ITN 44 | Colin Haggerty of Ship & Sail Talks Conor Oberst Cover Compilation & More (Ypsilanti, MI)

Colin came over with the intention to talk about the Conor Oberst cover compilation he organized, played on, and had me play on, along with several other local bands. The compilation can be found on Ship & Sail’s bandcamp page and a link in Ship & Sail’s Instagram bio. We talked about a lot of other random life stuff too, and Colin played a new song at the end so stick around to hear my favorite lyrics he’s written thus far. Thanks for listening! Air date: 1/4/2020.

ITN 43 | (Solo) 2019: Year in Review/State of the Podcast/Listener Appreciation (Taylor, MI)

2019 has been a hectic year for me and I’m sure a lot of you guys as well. As the year comes to a close, I wanted to do an episode to reflect on how this podcast has grown into something way cooler than I could have imagined, as well as talk about some of the highlights for me as a host of this show the past year. I also wanted to thank all of you who listen and make the work it takes to keep this thing chugging along seem worth it. I am full of gratitude, sincerely. Thanks for listening, and I hope you all had a great holiday and have a happy new year. Air date: 12/29/2019.

ITN 42 | Young Adult Fiction wsg Colin Haggerty from Ship & Sail (Ypsilanti, MI)

Hung out with Tanner Ellis and talked about his project Young Adult Fiction’s new record, “Much Too Big to Be a Lapdog” which is AWESOME. He explained how the hell one uses a tape deck to achieve the gloriously warbly sounds you can find all throughout his new record. Colin from Ship and Sail came along for the ride as well. I’m fortunate enough to be playing a show with YAF on Saturday, 12/28 at Ann Arbor’s Blind Pig, along with Pursuer, Andrea Doria, and Benthos. Would love to see some podcast listeners at the show! Thanks for listening, peeps. Air date: 12/18/2019.

ITN 41 | Hexing (Grand Rapids, MI)

Chilled with 3/5 of Hexing from Grand Rapids! Their new record “In Tandem,” recorded with Nick Diener at Oneder Studios, is streaming everywhere now! If you like bands like The Wonder Years or The Starting Line, then you will love Hexing. Check out their record release show this Saturday 12/21 at the Pyramid Scheme Grand Rapids with Greet Death, Okay Cool, and Antighost. Thanks for listening! Air date: 12/17/19.

ITN 40 | Jeremy Rolph from Painted Friends (Taylor, MI)

Jeremy and I live together now, and one night after I was at one of his Painted Friends shows, we got back and were just sitting around unwinding and talking about music in the living room. So I thought, hey, let’s fire up the microphones for shits and gigs! This is a real chill episode recorded around midnight and at no point do we discuss Painted Friends’ drummer, He Who Mitch Not Be Named. Enjoy everyone and thanks for listening! Air date: 12/16/2019.

ITN 39 | Glasspiece / Brevity (Detroit, MI)

Hung out with the two solo artists known as Glasspiece and Brevity! I recorded this episode like 3 weeks ago, but I’ve been lazy and dealing with a lot of shit! But anyway, they both performed a song each in the beginning of the episode, which I thoroughly enjoyed and I hope you will too. We also had a great conversation about keeping a positive attitude when you aren’t where you want to be yet, and how to be happy for your friends when they achieve success without letting jealousy ruin it for you. Thanks for listening everybody! Air date: 12/13/2019.