ITN 8 | Scheme 13 Festival (Ferndale, MI)

Episode 8 is a special episode recorded on site at the Scheme 13 Festival in Ferndale Saturday, 6/8/19. The episode features the heads of the Scheme Team Pat and Kyle, as well as brief interviews with members of Space Cadet/Ghost House Detroit, Aperture, Jenn’s Apartment, Paper Lanterns, and probably more that I can’t remember currently! This episode is a bit choppy , as I recorded from multiple locations at multiple points throughout the loooong day. Thanks for listening, and PLEASE rate, review, subscribe to, and share the podcast! Air date: 6/11/2019.

ITN 7 | Summerbruise (Indianapolis, IN)

Chilled with Mike and Stan from Summerbruise and talked about musical influences, girlfriends/band managers, being scatterbrained, Mike’s unique live set up, and much more. Mike was brave enough to share a rather unfortunate tale of woe from the road that you won’t want to miss, and then the band graced my bedroom with yet another great acoustic performance. Thanks for listening and be sure to rate/review/subscribe! Air date: 6/3/2019.

ITN 6 | Fallow Land (Ypsilanti, MI)

Whit and Scott from Fallow Land came by and sipped on some wine with me and talked about their new album, playing the final Bled Fest, the songwriting process, memorable shows/tours, and played a new song! As always, rate/review and subscribe to the podcast on your platform of choice. Thanks for listening! Air date: 5/27/2019.

ITN 5 | Painted Friends (Detroit, MI)

Sat down with Jeremy and Mitch of the alternative indie rock duo Painted Friends. We talk about how Jeremy and I met on Craigslist (twice), the meaning behind the band’s name, their self-produced full-length “To Feel the Ache of Old Age,” and Mitch (who is just a drummer) drops hot take after hot take. As always, please rate and review the podcast, subscribe, and share with your friends. Air date: 5/24/2019.

ITN 4 | Kevin Rice of Follyball/Lame (Kalamazoo, MI/Nashville, TN)

Chilled for a while with Kevin Rice who is the guitarist and lead singer of Follyball and the guitarist in Lame, both from Nashville, TN. Kevin has his fingerprints all over the DIY scene and is no stranger to DIY touring. We talk about what to do (and what not to do) when going on tour, musical influences, and SOCIETY, MAN! Don’t forget to subscribe and rate/review the podcast! Air date: 5/20/2019.

ITN 3 | Solo Episode with the Host, Bryan Porter of In a Daydream (Ann Arbor, MI)

Didn’t have a band scheduled for this week, so I figured I’d do a solo episode from my grandparents’ house and talk a bit about why I started the podcast, how I got into the DIY scene, the origins and current state of my band In a Daydream, and whatever else flowed through my stream of consciousness. I play an acoustic version of a new In a Daydream song, “Overspender,” at the end of the episode and as always, I answered questions from listeners on social media. Thanks for listening and please remember to subscribe, rate and review the podcast! Air date: 5/13/2019.

ITN 2 | Ship & Sail (Ann Arbor, MI)

Had a solid conversation with Colin Haggerty from Ship & Sail. Sorry about the noise later on in the episode, had some “technical difficulties” that went unnoticed until after we finished the whole thing. We’re learning as we go, friends. DIY! Air date: 5/6/2019.

ITN 1 | Past Life (Philadelphia, PA)

It’s the first episode! I had the pleasure of chilling with Past Life from Philadelphia, PA. We talked in the basement of a house show about half hour after I met these guys. We drank PBRs and became BUDS! Enjoy and subscribe on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, and Pocket Casts! Air date: 4/13/2019.